Friends of kannur Kuwait Expats Association ( FOKE) conducted Dr.Sukumar Azheekode Anusmaranam on Friday 27 January at Kannur association hall in Mangaf . Malayalam literature world has lost an epic icon wih the sad demise of Dr.Sukumar Azheekode , foke convayed in a condolence message delivered by Shymesh.K. Secretary , FOKE
KKMA president Abdul Fatah Thayil, Indian Lawyes Society President Adv.Razak Payyoli , Saradhi Kuwait Gen.Sec K.R Aji and Former President of FOKE B.P Surendran remebered Dr.Azheekode in thier speech
FOKE Cheif Patron I.V Dinesh Presided the Function , Gen.Secretary M.P Jithesh welcomed all and T.V Jayan rendered the vote of thanks
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Friends of Kannur Express Condolence on the Demise of Dr. Sukumar Azheekode
Friends of Kannur Kuwait Expats association ( FOKE) Executive committee expressed the deepest condolence on the sad demise of famous Malayalam writer and orator Dr. Sukumar Azhikode a great son of Kannur.
One of the towering figures of Kerala's cultural scene, Azhikode is known for his bold interventions in the cultural as well as literary, social milieu of Kerala. His hard criticism was penetrating. He was a thinker, orator, teacher social-political critic and journalist all rolled into one.
FOKE organized a special Function at Friends of Kannur Hall in Mangaf
.ഡോ.സുകുമാര് അഴീക്കോട് അനുശോചനയോഗം
FOKE organized a special Function at Friends of Kannur Hall in Mangaf
.ഡോ.സുകുമാര് അഴീക്കോട് അനുശോചനയോഗം
ഡോ.സുകുമാര് അഴീക്കോട് അനുശോചനയോഗം
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ